Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Mac and Cheese Deluxe‏

You don't realize how much you miss things like Kraft Mac and Cheese until you eat it for the first time after over a year and it makes you think of college! We had a package of this stuff from the military base and we got all nostalgic haha. It was good...oh the schifezze of American foods :)

We found a new investigator doing area book finding last week. She was found like 6 years ago, many missionaries have gone since then, but her and her family have just never really progressed. We're getting on their good side...the mom, Carmela, has had a difficult time in her life and we're trying to boost her self'esteem and also help her out around her house, becuase she broke her tailbone this summer and has really struggled physically. We're going to do some service for her on Friday to clean her house a bit. We did a quick spiritual thought with her and her 2 kids the other night about service, and we challenged the kids (12 and 9 years old) to do 5 things each of service at home this week...Carmela loved it and she seemed so much more peaceful when we left. So we're hoping good things will come out of this family.

We've been trying to get some appointments with members lately, and we got to see a young wife who is originally from Argentina, has been here 5 years, her husband is not a member. She is so cute! It's great to build relationships with members becuase then church is so much more fun :) We also have a lunch appointment on Saturday with another couple, who are older but have only been married for like 6 months and they met at the Single Adults activities :) So cute.

We've had successful inactive member finding! Often when we go looking for them they aren't home, or they won't let us in, but we've gotten in to 3 houses this past week and we're so excited! One was an old lady who was suuuuuuper crabby when we went haha, but she was so much calmer when we left. Props to a spriritual thought and a prayer and asking her some questions about herself. The spirit is magic :) The other 2 live in the ghetto...we went this time during the day (the last time was unsuccessful and it was also when it was dark - and super creepy haha). I love seeing inactives - they all have such crazy stories, and I like bringing a little bit of the spirit back into their lives and their homes.

We finally had a lesson with Giuseppe, who we've been trying to get together with for a lesson since I got here over a month ago. He is pretty strange...but we asked him to be baptized and he seems like he has some good potential. And by our Muslim family from Senegal - they fed us legit African food with this spicy rice and fish and it was gooooood. Man. We finally taught them the Restoration and it actually went really well. I'm interested to see how it will progress with them in the future.

Last week for our Halloween party we pretty much had the ultimate party...we made lasagna, watched the Joseph Smith movie, made and destroyed a pinata (but not before destroying the broom stick we used to beat it was that hard!), played ping pong/fooseball, pin the tie on the missionary, Massacre of War 3 (a card game the anziani in Palermo literally invented...they're so weird haha) and WHEELCHAIR WARRIORS. Yep, you learn to invent crazy games on the mission...our church has 3 can only imagine this game that was legit. It was seriously soooo much fun and a great day with our district.

This transfer has flown by and we already have transfer calls on Saturday. I love Sorella Winward and I really hope we stay together for another one!

That's about it for this week, love you all! We heard that Obama won the elections, so we'll see what happens with that. Have an awesome week!!!

Love, Sorella Sobeck

My one-year-in-Italy pizza!

Dinner with the Senegalese 



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