Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ciao da Roma!

Ok - I survived my first week (almost) in this HUGE CITY. It is completely different than Mistretta...theres tons of PEOPLE. There's public transportation. Theres a TON of stranieri (foreigners) so half the people you see aren't even Italian and you hear 30 different languages everyday. I live with 4 sorelle (like I did in Bari - its great). There are so many different comparisons, yet its the same mission and the same country. I felt like I went to a different mission when I went from Bari to Mistretta, and now from Mistretta to Roma I feel the same. My companion is great! Sorella Winward is half Italian (her mom comes from Sassari in Sardegna), but never learned to speak it before, she is in her 5th transfer, she is pretty shy but SO SWEET so it is a completely different type of companion than I've ever had. All of my comps in the past have been bolder than me, not afraid to speak at all. It's very refreshing to me to kind of break the pattern I've had. I love Sorella Winward already and we're going to have a great transfer together!

The work for us is not so hoppin at the moment unfortunately. There were some struggles with the last sorella who was here (who ended up going home early), and as a result there's not really much to work with. So I kind of feel like I'm opening a new city or something! We've been doing a lot of finding so far, I haven't taught a single lesson this whole week (not for lack of trying - just getting stood up, inactives not being home, people not being available until other days, etc.). It's been a pretty humbling experience for me to say the least. I haven't had a mission experience quite like this so far. We could really use some prayers to help us find new people to teach so the gospel can help them! In general people aren't quite as willing to stop and talk to us here I've noticed, becuase its a much busier lifestyle here. But the people are nice. We just have to get them interested.

CONFERENCE WAS BOSS!!!! The announcement about the age change for missionaries created quite an exciting stir, but I think its awesome and will really help missionary work. It's going to be a big change for BYU also haha. Some of my favorite talks were Elder Gay's, Elder Eyring's, and Elder Holland's (always) - I don't have my notes with me and I don't remember which other specifics but they were all great. The leaders of the church always know how to put things into perspective to really help us understand things. I personally learned a lot of lessons that are helping and will help me during the rest of my mission. I got to watch the Relief Society session and then the first 3 other sessions - haven't gotten to see the last one though and I probably won't get to. I look forward to the Liahona :)

It was SO FUN to be in Rome for Conference becuase we all went to the Rome 1 church and I got to see a bunch of missionaries and see old friends who I've served with in the past in the MTC and in Bari!!! It was so great to see familiar faces and to see whats been going on with them in their mission life. A mission builds lasting friendships :) Also, I love my district. My district leader is a missionary who came to Bari my 2nd transfer, but he left after a few days becuase he wanted to go home. Well, he didn't go home :) And now he's an awesome missionary and a good friend already! The other sorelle are fun and its fun to have lots of people to talk to and get to know. I haven't been able to meet lots of members yet though since we didn't have normal church. That's for this Sunday.

Today I will have my first Pday in Rome and we're going to centro to see some cool stuff. I don't know what yet, but I'm so excited!

They are repainting all our walls in our apartment, so this week has been PAZZA. The guys painting are members from Rome 2 and they are soooo funny. They made us lunch the other day too haha. So we've just been living in chaos the past week. They should finish today - I will miss them around, but I will enjoy being able to have a more organized house without paint stuff EVERYWHERE that they leave all the time haha.

I don't have much else to say. Again, prayers would be appreciated because we have lots of lots of finding and work to do! I'm excited to be here in Roma and I know that I'm going to learn a ton from this place and these people.

My new address is
Viale Alessandrino 250
00172 Roma (RM)

Happy week!

Love, Sorella Sobeck

PS - haven't heard from lots of people in lots of time!! You all alive out there?

Crossing the strait from Sicilia to the mainland - overnight bus=TERRIBLE experience and no sleep...

Slla Winward!!! Our success from finding that day! :)

Gabriele e Samuele! Roma 1 bishop and son


First pday!! Trevi fountain

Tossing coins


Obelisk...Roma is cool

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