Ciao from Siracusa!!! One of the great thigns about my mission is that I get to see some really cool places. Zone Conference was great yesterday at was a little strange because President Kelly didn't come because he was sick..the first zone conference he hasn't gone to in his more than 2 years of service so far. Sorella Kelly came though and it was incredible to see the spirit working through her to give us the training that President would've give us if he were there. I love my mission president and his wife so much - they take such great care of us and the mission, they love us, they are proud of us, they help us, and they bring the spirit so much so they can teach us. I always learn so much from them, and through Sorella Kelly yesterday and the spirit I was able to hear many things that I needed to hear to help me.
After Zone Conference it was kind of a mess becuase everyone needs to get a ride to the station and instead of the normal 4 cars that we have we were down to 2. Yep, our car is still out of commission, and it ended up being a pretty big stress figuring out how to even get to zone conference in the first place for us, I'm grateful that we got it all figured out and all went well. I am so grateful to have a car in Mistretta, becuase when it works it really is a huge blessing. We had to wait a lot time to get a ride to the station, and we ended up going on the bus to Siracusa with the Anziani who are serving there, so we could have a pday here today and do splits with the sorella tonight. I'm excited :) I will be with Sorella Spicq who is from France! Pday was awesome today hanging out with other missionaries and going around and seeing some cool touristy stuff in Siracusa...Paul preached here! I can't wait to make it up to Rome as well one day.
This past week has been really crazy as we've worked on getting Sorella Fuller legal in Italy, the car problems, STILL living in the church (we've not been in Mistretta for more than 2 weeks now, except for one night to do laundry...we pretty much have most of our stuff in the church haha), investigators having problems, other investigators progressing, figuring out solutions to a bunch of problems, but still seeing miracles as a result. I thought missionary work would just be the missionary work part and not dealing with real life, but we've had some real life problems lately which have made me appreciate this time apart more than usual.
The great thing about all the problems that we've been having is that hte work still moves onward! We have continued to see some cool miracles everyday in many many forms, and Heavenly Father has blessed us to be able to keep on top of the work in all of our cities even though we haven't been able to do much traveling. It has been huge for us to see that the work has not had to suffer as a result.
I have a testimony of prayer! I know that we can ask questions to Heavenly Father and He can answer us in so many ways. I was having a particularly rough moment the other day when we were at the Questura (pretty much a legal place that deals with pretty much all immigration stuff), I prayed to Heavenly Father to help me read something in the Book of Mormon that would help me deal with stuff. I was reading a war chapter haha and I didn't know how I was going to find an answer there, but I did. Completely. God works in mysterious ways :) I have a testimony of the Book of Mormon. Sorella Kelly challenged all the missionaries to read the entire Book of Mormon before about 90 days more or less, becuase it took Joseph Smith less than 90 days to translate it. I'm going to take the challenge and I am so looking forward to just reading it cover to cover again and increasing my testimony even more.
Sorry I don't have more time and I feel like this email is all over the place, but things are moving along and I'm grateful to have seen many answers to my prayers as of late. Heavenly Father helps those who ask for it, and gives us comfort when we pray for it and seek for it. And when we're happy, He rejoices with us :) I love you all!!!!!!!!!
Love, Sorella Sobeck

My bibbia bianca
Sorelle at Zone Conference
Reinacting what happened here many years was a place for hanging
Pday group in Siracusa
Great and abominable church
Paul preached here!
Slla Spicq and I after a really short scambio
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