Ciao everyone! Week 2 is done and my oh my it went soooo much faster than the first week. Today we have been watching the greenies come into the MTC and keep thinking "that was me 2 weeks ago...yet it feels like an eternity" hahaha. It's good though, the MTC is a great place and I like it. Thanks for the emails and such. FYI, they are in the process of moving the mailroom this week so DearElders haven't been coming through since Friday. Everything else has been delivered though. (PS - Amy, thanks for the letter and pictures!!! It made my day :) :)) If anyone feels a super kind desire to send Sorella Sobeck a DearElder that I'd get tomorrow, I would love you so much. You don't realize how important mail is until you're a missionary...sorry to all my friends who I was terrible at writing to. Whoops. So yes, please write to me and tell me the significant or insignificant details you'd like to share. I can't email directly to people, but I can answer in letter form (the best kind!). So if you want a letter back please include your address. Thanks :)
So. My week.
-Preach My Gosepl is AWESOME. I've still hardly read any of it, but I wish I had the time to just sit and read and read and read it. It makes SO much more sense when you read it as a missionary, hence why it was made in teh first place. I love that book so much and can't wait to read all of it.
-My favorite words of the week: 1) Giu = down. It's pronounced "Jew". That is why I like that word. 2) Burrocacao = chapstick. Just saying that word is fun.
-Cafeteria FACT 1: Ice cream Wednesdays and Sundays at the MTC are one of the greatest things to look forward to. I just ate some mint chocolate chip ice cream with hot fudge after I went to the temple and it made me oh so happy.
-Cafeteria FACT 2: Ok...COD NUGGETS. Why? We all wonder that everytime we see those words on the menu. You would think they would stop making them when there is no line to get them. Sorella Ivory said this about cod nuggets: "Anything that comes in the form of a nugget that isn't chicken makes me want to kill myself." Obiously overexaggerated. But still, it is quite funny. No I haven't eaten them and no I will not during my stay at the MTC.
-One time we had class at 6:15-9:15pm. (And by one time I mean like 4 times a week). ANd we had one of our teachers for our 1st time, Fratello Mortensen. And he was so nervous because we are his first district ever cuz he just got home from his mission 2 months ago, and he was giving this great analogy with jackets about how you need to tailor the gospel to each individual person because one jacket does not fit all. And Sorella Soh was wearing Sorella Teichert's jacket. Sor. Soh is 5'10
" and Sor. Teichert is 5'4". So it looked sooo ridiculous and it was a great analogy. Except it was 8:30 pm at the very end of the week, and Sorella Soh just happened to pull a clump of grapes out of Sorella Teichert's jacket. Grapes. In her pocket. She stole them from the cafeteria. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Maybe you had to be there, but just picture our loopiness and laughing our heads off and our poor teacher...
-SOme of the Anzioni showed me some cool things in teh scriptures on Sunday. In 2 Nephi 12:2 it talks about top of the mountains. When Utah became a state the Saints wanted to name is Deseret but they weren't allowed. So the government chose to call it Utah. It was prophesied. Look in verse 2, lines 2-5.
Go down and it spells out UTAH. HAHAHA. Oh man the scriptures are awesome. Utah means "top of the mountains" in teh Ute language. Sooo coool.
-I met Tyler Docksteader int eh MTC this week. He recognized on my shirt Buchanan and he asked where I was from. Yep, completely heard of him.
-Italian is very hard for me, but it is so cool to see our progress. Understanding is hard, speaking my thoughts is hard, but I know it will come. The gift of tongues is real! I'm so grateful for prayer and for my teachers and ALL the work and support they give us.
*****Best thing of the week. Tuesday nights are MTC Devotional, and last night we had Anziono M. Russell Ballard come and speak to the missionaries :) :) :) He gave a wonderful talk and said so many things that we all needed to hear. He just has so much LOVE for us! I love hearing that the 1st presidency and the Quorum of the 12 all pray for us missionaries every Thursday morning in the temple. They love us so much. ANd we sure love them. It's amazing to hear how silent a huge room full of young kids gets when a General Authority walks in the room. I can't wait until General Conference in a few weeks.
So I guess that's kind of all I have. The Italian district 6 weeks ahead of us leaves for Italy on Tuesday, so it's going to be pretty lonely around here without them. WE love them so much. Then 3 weeks after that we'll get a new group and we'll be the older Sorelle and Anzioni. WEIRD!
I love being a missionary! There have been some really hard days but they you forget about them when you have positive experiences and because you're surrounded by people going through the same thing. I'm so grateful for missionary work and for the SPIRIT. The Holy Ghost is so amazing and I rely on it a lot. Thank you for all your support, please pray for me and all the missionaries to learn the languages we need to learn and to learn how to teach the gospel simply. It is very difficult, but we have been called by the prophet and therefore we know it is possible. I love you all! Again, please write! I'm not above asking for it hahaha, it is always a great surprise to get mail and it makes us feel loved.
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