Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Crazy bus people!!! being in the ghetto of Roma...there are some really sketch buses. We had a cool experience yesterday on the 105 (there are always more foreigners than Italians on this bus...ALWAYS) where an African approached us becuase he saw Jesus Christ on our nametags...started talking about how Jesus is his personal savior, and he apologized that he smelled like smoke becuase he wanted to quite smoking, how he met missionaries in Sweden a year before...yep. That was really cool. We told him "Yeah...we can help you." But then later on that same bus there were a bunch of high people who were shouting at each other from across the in particular was really funny...he kept touching the bus - the ceiling, the sides, the windows. Oh my. Don't do drugs.

We gave a Book of Mormon to the husband of one of our investigators. He is now an investigator too. We taught them the gospel of Jesus Christ, and at the end Diana left the room and we were talking to Adalberto, the husband. We tried to give him the book, and he said no thanks and started talking for 20 minutes about why he believed what he did, that he didn't read books often like his wife, etc., etc. But then at the end of his monologue (that is usually how Italians speak - very one-sided haha), he looks at us and says "Give me that book. I'll read it." Sweeeet. Later he showed us how he wrote his name in it, and he promised to read some. Hahaha I love the mission so much and all these cool and funny expereinces where people really start to develop trust in you when you just listen to them and what they have to say, and then respond with positive feedback adn solutions.

We got a new invesitgator named Blessing! People from Nigeria have the best names. She is the wife of a member, and their neighbors are also members who we see regularly becuase Doris is a new convert as of the summer. So we are now teaching Blessing and she's been to church 4 weeks in a row and she loves it. She's really quiet but is starting to open up more and ask good questions. We invited her to baptism and tried to set a date, but it was her husband, Ike, who said he wanted her to wait longer. But we are pumped to have a solid progressing invesigator in the works.

I had to go to the Questura again last week and I hope it was the last time I ever have to go back there! To be legal missionaries have to get a permesso di soggiorno, and usually they're only good for 1 year. So this is my second time around doing this process - it takes a lot of time. You have to go the post office one time to turn in a bunch of papers and then get an appointment for fingerprinting. They you go for your appt at the Questura, often a couple months later, and then a couple months later you have to go AGAIN to pick it up when its ready. It's a long process. I don't think mine will even be ready to pick up by the time I leave Italy haha, which is why I'm hoping that was my last time there. Vediamo. It was freeeeezing cold when we had to go really early to get my fingerprinting done. At least it was really well organized at the Questura...its just always waiting for the bus that takes forever here in Rome. Man. all worked out. And we came home and drank some good hot chocolate..

On Saturday we had a Mormon Helping Hands service project! It was legit to be able to participate with the Rome stake and help clean up a park and a trail - it reminded me so much of stake service projects at home cleaning up by the Clovis trail. We had to leave super early, and it was a bit chilly, and then we were outside all day raking leaves and sanding/painting park benches, finding beer bottles, etc. It was a really fun day and there were people who weren't members who saw us all working and decided to come help us and wear the Helping Hands vests too! Cool experience!! I LOVE service projects. Always have, always will - I think they're so much fun and a great way to get involved.

On Sunday we got to watch the Christmas devotional from the First Presidency which was really good. I love the church :)

It's been a good week. It's geting so close to Christmas time already and things are going to be busy with activities and at the same time probably slower with the work, but we'll see what happens. I heard that an investigator that I worked with the whole time I was in Mistretta, Giuseppe, has a baptismal date for December 22nd, so I'm praying really hard for him and that he'll do it!!! I'm so grateful for the gospel and for seeing people change for the better when they realize how much God really loves them and wants to answer their prayers.

Have a great week!!!!

Love, Sorella Sobeck

Andrea - Ciao! I'd love to hear from you! My address is::
Sorella Sobeck
Piazza Carnaro 20
00141 Roma (RM)

Oh dear...SNOW

Helping Hands


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